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About Enterphase

Enterphase Child & Family Services (E.C.F.S.) is a children’s mental health agency that has been providing treatment oriented Live-in programs for individual(s) between the ages of 4 -18 years since 1995. Enterphase operates nine (9) licenced residences and provides Clinical Services and Day Treatment Programs to support them. The residences themselves are diverse, offering referring agencies choice of staff-operated latency, upper latency and adolescence placements for male and females. All the homes incorporate a “wraparound” approach to treatment planning and every effort is made to include the individual(s) family or other significant people into the planning, where appropriate.

E.C.F.S. will assist the persons served in the development of skills and self-confidence needed to grow in becoming secure and responsible individual(s). To this end, we will provide secure and predictable environments in which the person served can “grow up” without having to necessarily move from within the program. We also provide an environment where persons served can have corrective experiences in order to develop interpersonal skills, re-affirm the individual(s) self-worth, and develop a positive identity of self, the natural family, and the community. Treatment goals will be individually tailored to meet the needs of the person served and the family.  Within our Enhanced Support Services we provide resources for CAS Foster Care, Kinship and Adoptive Homes.  We similarly provide community outreach programming through  our Enterphase Transitional Outreach Program (E.T.O.P).

E.C.F.S. is an active member of OARTY (Ontario Association of Residences Treating Youth) which is a provincial network of children’s residential services. OARTY represents more than 100 agencies and over 3365 residential beds for individual(s) across Ontario. OARTY is licensed and regulated under the Child and Family Services Act and funded on a per diem basis. OARTY provides residential care and treatment for individual(s) who are physically and sexually abused, emotionally disturbed, developmentally challenged, autistic, medically fragile, young offenders, dually diagnosed, conduct disordered, psychiatrically disordered and other hard to serve individual(s).

E.C.F.S. employs a multi-disciplinary, multi-systematic treatment model that includes family, community, Live-In Program, Day Treatment, Individual Psychotherapy in addition to, and in conjunction with, Psychiatric and psychological services.

Our multi-disciplinary team consists of several layers of management ensuring best practices and due diligence.

Executive Management Team

The Executive Management Team meets on a quarterly basis (and more frequently, where necessary) and is made up of Senior Members of the organization who answer directly to the Executive Director.  This major function is one of providing leadership, strategic direction, research and evaluation, program accountability and determining trends within the industry.  They similarly work closely with our provincial organization, Ontario Association of Residences Treating Youth (OARTY).

Administrative Review Committee

The Administrative Review Committee is a Senior Management Group consisting of Agency Administrative Personnel. Its primary function is that of reviewing agency policy and delivery of service in respect to a best practices process. Representation consists of the Live-in Program Coordinators, the Day Treatment Coordinator, the Program Manager, the Clinical Manager, the Human Resource Manager, and the Agency Director reflecting the spectrum of services provided by E.C.F.S. The Accounts Manager and legal support services will similarly participate as the need arises.

The Administrative Review Committee meets on a bi-monthly basis as well to address agency documentation, E.C.F.S. Operations, Health, Treatment, Licensing, and Personnel development, as well as determining future direction and planning. The Administrative Committee’s focus is that of enhancing the services provided for our persons served and developing support and training to agency staff within a positive environment.

Management Team

The Management Team represents all sectors within the Agency and meet on a bi-monthly basis to monitor and evaluate program service and delivery. The Management Troup is mandated to oversee the day to day functioning and to make recommendations concerning E.C.F.S. policy & procedures. The purpose of the management team is in ensuring the quality of service for our clients by addressing and meeting their individual needs, as well as by creating and maintaining a safe and stimulating environment for our staff. The Management Team consists of the following:

  • Director
  • Program Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Clinical Manager
  • Residential Treatment Coordinators
  • Team Leaders
  • Day Treatment Coordinator
  • Day Treatment Clinical Facilitator

Accessibility Policy and Related Documents

Enterphase is committed to providing high quality customer service. We value all of our individuals, staff and stakeholders and strive to meet everyone’s needs. We welcome your comments to help us monitor and improve our services and experiences. Please provide your feedback by completing this Accessible and Customer Service Feedback Form.

You can access copies of our Accessibility Plan and Multi-year Accessibility plan by clicking on the links below:

Enterphase Accessibility PolicyEnterphase Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Enterphase is dedicated to arranging for our Accessibility Plans and other internal documentation to be available in alternate formats as well as to providing communication supports upon request to persons with disabilities (at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons). Enterphase will consult with the person making the request to help determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support. Currently, the accessible formats available for request are either a printed copy or an electronic copy. Check back for updates around new formats that become available!

Requests for alternate formats or communication supports can be made by contacting: All emails will be responded to within 2 business days.

Emergency Response Plans

For employees or visitors who have disclosed a disability and may require assistance in an emergency, individualized emergency response plans will be created.

Our emergency procedures, plans, and public safety information are available in accessible formats or with communication supports, upon request. Please contact for assistance. We are committed to making information available to all individuals, as soon as practicable.